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Our Centre
A welcoming place that fosters social connection, life-long learning and community wellbeing.
Maldon Neighbourhood Centre’s reason for being is to offer a local gathering place, build community, and enable social connection.
Our education, health and recreation programs, and the community development and social action projects we undertake, have at their heart the aim of combatting inequity and isolation – fostering good lives and strong inclusive community for everyone.
We value: Respect; Partnerships; Inclusiveness; Adaptation; Active participation; Environmental responsibility; Listening and learning
Our Community
Tarrangower is a small and active place that includes Maldon, Baringhup, Neereman, Shelbourne, Nuggetty, Walmer, Gowar and Tarrangower. The total population of Maldon is 1665, and the average age of residents is 60 (Australian Bureau of Statistics).
Like other communities in the Mount Alexander Shire, Maldon has above-average levels of volunteering, community engagement and participation in events and festivals.
To read more about the community and its future, have a look at Tarrangower Tomorrow, the community plan for Maldon and the surrounding area.
To get a sense of what’s happening locally, and what’s on offer for visitors, visit Maldon Inc.

Our Members
The Centre has a strong membership base, made up of locals who choose to support the work of the Centre.
We encourage all the community to become financial members of the Centre to support the community development work that we do.
Our Volunteers
We simply wouldn't be here, doing all the things that we do, without the ideas, activism, energy, skill and community networks of our volunteers. Learn more via the link below!
Our Committee of Management
The Committee of Management comprises of up to 9 members who are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year.
The Committee of Management control and manage the business and affairs of the Maldon Neighbourhood Centre Inc in accordance with its Constitution and any relevant legislation.
The Committee of Management in 2023/2024 comprises:
Chairperson: Carolyn Palmer
Vice Chair: Pam Millwood
Treasurer: Geoff Holmes
Secretary: Peter Matic
Ordinary Committee Members:
Ann Metz
Alison Park
Jan Sinclair
Please contact the Committee by emailing or calling 5475 2093
The Committee of Management Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month except December at 6pm. Maldon Neighbourhood Centre Members and the general public are welcome to attend.
Our Staff
Centre Coordinator
John Bainbridge
Communications and Support Worker
Julia Leonard
Childcare Coordinator
Julie-Anne Leerson
Market Manager
Lynn McShanag
Supporters & Sponsors
Community Bank® branches provide communities with more than just quality banking services – they deliver employment opportunities for local people, keep local capital in the community, are a local investment option for shareholders and provide a source of revenue for important community projects determined by the local community.
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